Missy Dublewood's Adventures

I sometimes even travel in my own house…


Filed under: !Project Christmas! — juliandoublewood @ 7:27 PM
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Just yesterday, I’ve decided to do something rather unusual for me and it’s something I used do every year during the time when I was living in the states…Christmas Dinner!

I used to do it with my friends since my parents weren’t able to come and I wasn’t able to go home neither; friends would be the people who I invite to Christmas dinners.

Why was it so unusual!? Because in Taiwan, Christmas is just not some holiday you gathered around with your family and friends at your house or at a place where is hosted by s sweet lady friend of yours, or s lovely guy friend who can cook, or your mom’s, with delicious food, good wine or Champaign and some good laughs. Here in Taiwan, it’s either you go to the church and join a bunch of people singing holy songs, say the prayer, then have a hearty meal that served at the church, or you simply go party with your friends or love ones. Families!? We only get to see them on Chinese New Year holidays once a year…

It’s sad that people here in Taiwan don’t know the real meaning of Christmas besides the story where Jesus was born at this date and a true meaning of a good old Christmas dinner with your family and friends is about, but rather spend the time drinking and dancing in clubs.

Except for those religious Christians and Catholics.

Although the decoration is hung all over the place where I live, a little town in size of a Solvang, Santa Barbara, CA. I remember those days where I got to drive around the town cruising and just enjoin the scent of snowy winter (not every year I must say but I do that in several different places), the essence of Christmas decorations and that good old spirits of Christmas is what truly is about.

So for my little daughter Molly, since she’s grown old enough to memorize things and events, I supposed it is a good year that I start this Christmas dinner tradition and make that our own. So be it! Anyone who’s reading this, please pray for me that I don’t mess up… >///<

Or is there any one!?

Still, I’ll keep my own fingers crossed!

Go! Julian, go! (Does me cheering for myself helps!?)