Missy Dublewood's Adventures

I sometimes even travel in my own house…

Cereal became the cheereo!? November 23, 2009

Filed under: !Project Christmas!,Wonders — juliandoublewood @ 8:39 PM

How often and how well does sugar fills up a person’s depression with happiness? As always, I supposed…
But, how about cereal become the cheereo in terms of “cheering” purpose, to a child, especially a toddler…

Mine gets all better on cereal then sugar…weird. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t like sweets!? Cuz cereal box usually comes with a toy…Oh, that figures…<div class="wp-caption alignnone" style="width: 650px"How in the world that Molly loves him so much and wanting to become him!?

How in the world that Molly loves him so much and wanting to become him!?


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